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The images you shoot are automaticaliy assigned file numbers. You
can select how the file number is assigned.
1 ill (Set up) Menu ,_ [File
Numbering] _ [Continuous]*1/
[Auto Reset].
See Menus and Settings (p, 27)
"1 Default setting.
File No. Reset Function
A number one higherthen the lastone recorded isassigned to the next
image. This is convenient for managing all your images together on a
Continuous computer because you avoid i11ename duplication when changing folders
or memorycards..2
The image andfolder number arereset to the starting value (100-0001)'2
Auto Reset Th s is conven ent for manag ng mages on a foder-by-fo der bas s.
*2 When a blank memory card is used, If a memory card with recorded data is
used, the 7-digit number for the last recorded folder and image is compared
with the last one on the card, and the larger of the two is utilized as the basis
for new images,