Displaying Bitmap Images on the Video Screen
<param name=superimpose value="/local/logos/newlogo.gif,0,0">
* The underlined portion “x,y” specifies the display position. When x,y = 0,0, the image is displayed in the top
left corner. If “x,y” is omitted, the image is displayed in the center of the frame.
Sample transparent GIF
Specifying the Background Color
<body bgcolor=#cccccc>
<applet codebase=http://...code="LiveApplet.class" width=450 height=380>
<param name=url value="">
<param name=bg_color value="#cccccc">
* The underlined portion is a sample IP address. Enter the actual IP address set for the VB-C10/VB-C10R.
Pasting a Picture to the Background
<param name=bg_image value="/local/images/back.gif"> ........................................ 1
<param name=image_offset value="0,0"> ................................................................... 2
1 specify the displayed picture file.
2 specify to display it at x,y (underlined portion).
Using the Java Viewer to Distribute Videos