Cisco Video Surveillance Manager Getting Started Guide, Release 4.2/6.2
Configuring VSM
This provides instructions for performing the basic configuration of VSOM. Basic
configuration involves providing information about VSMS, VSVM, video
encoder, and camera devices that will operate in your VSM deployment, and
scheduling video recording.
This chapter includes these topics:
• Setting the VSOM Log In Page as the Default Web Page, page 3-1
• Configuring VSM, page 3-4
• Where to Go from Here, page 3-46
Setting the VSOM Log In Page as the Default Web
The following steps describe how to configure VSM so that the VSOM log in page
appears by default when you access an MSP with a web browser. Perform these
steps on each MSP that is to run VSOM.
Step 1 Make sure that the Multi Services Platform that is running VSOM is powered up.