D-Link DCS-5635 Security Camera User Manual

44D-Link DCS-5605/DCS-5635 User Manual
Video Profiles
Enable External Speaker
Enable External Microphone
Audio and Video
Select H264, JPEG, or MPEG4 encoding. Prole 4 will always be MPEG4.
Select the resolution (size of the viewing area on the screen).
Select the FPS (Frames per Second). 30 is the maximum (best quality).
Video Proles (1-4):
Encode Type:
Click the Audio and Video button on the left side of the Setup screen to access audio and video settings that affect how the audio and
video appears. You may congure 4 video proles with different settings for your camera. Additionally, you may also congure the audio
(speakers and microphone) for your camera. Prole 3 is set as the default prole for snapshots, while prole 4 is the default for a mobile
phone or PDA.