i-WATCHER Installation Method 3:
Internet Access Mode: Dial-up ADSL or Cable Modem
Real IP Address: A dynamic IP address provided by the ISP
IP Sharing or LAN Hub: Enable DHCP and NAT function
i-WATCHER Network Setup:
LAN Enable (Manually)
Web Server Port Number(setting required)
ADSL dial-up user who installed multiple
i-WATCHER with a dynamic IP address
Activate PPPoE auto dial-up and connect to ADSL function of the IP sharing switch.
Assign another Private IP address, enable the DHCP. Upon successful ADSL connection,
a dynamic IP address will be allocated from the ISP
In each i-WATCHER IP address settings, assign each with different virtual IP addresses,
as well as different port number for the HTTP Port setting.
For the setting of the Port switching in the IP sharing switch, please refer to the IP-Cam’s
IP address and the Port sequence synchronization setting.
For remote viewing of i-WATCHER: launch IE browser and enter the ADSL acquired
dynamic IP address and the i-WATCHER’s Port number, e.g.: