■ Aluminium cast in one piece
■ Stainless steel shell
■ Integral Quick coupling plate
■ Digitally controlled
■ Upgradeable software
■ Modular design
■ Integral ergonomic grip
■ Pixel based LCD user interface
Camera Body
The H2 camera body is a robust construction of cast aluminium
with a stainless steel shell for extreme durability. The workings of
the camera are controlled by silicon technology that provides tre-
mendous opportunities for sophisticated operation. To take just
two examples, the mirror return is slowed down at the last mo-
ment by controlling the motor to decrease vibrations and the cur-
rent usage of the camera, lenses, film magazines, etc is recorded
and freely accessible for service intervals, etc.
The integral ergonomic grip houses the main control interface and
also contains the battery holder. An auxiliary shutter in the rear
opening of the camera body protects the film from exposure dur-
ing the various camera procedures. Please take extra care when
handling the camera body without protective cover or magazine
in place to protect the auxiliary shutter. Likewise, the front opening
of the camera body reveals the mirror when unprotected by a cover
or lens. Do not touch or attempt to clean the mirror. Slight marks or
some dust particles on the mirror will not affect results. More notice-
able problems, however, should be taken care of by a Hasselblad
Authorized Service Center. The camera body also contains the view-
finder screen, which can be easily removed or exchanged without
the use of special tools or adjustment procedures.