With most printers, if a jam occurs, you must remove the jammed
media and then reprint the job. However, the QMS 2425/2425
Print System provides automatic jam recovery (when
enabled through the Administration/Engine/Page Recovery menu). If
a media jam occurs, remove the jammed media, and printing auto-
matically resumes from the page the printer stopped at when the jam
▲ Caution:
For automatic jam recovery to work, it is necessary to leave
the printer turned on when you remove the jammed media. After the
jam is cleared, open and close one of the doors (top, left, or right)
before printing. Printing will not resume until you do this.
When a media jam occurs, a PAPER JAM message displays in the
message window. Frequent jams in any area indicate that area should
be checked, repaired, or cleaned. Repeated jams may also happen if
you are using the wrong weight print media. (See the “Print Media”
section of appendix B, “Technical Specifications,” in the
for print media specifications.)