Konica Minolta Z5 Digital Camera User Manual

Play Rew Fwd
A single frame from a movie clip can be copied and saved as a still image. The
copied image has the same image size as the original movie.
During playback, press the center button of the
controller to pause the movie playback at the
point to capture the frame. When the movie is
paused, the left/right keys can be used to jog the
clip to display the correct frame.
Play Rew Fwd
Press the up key of the controller to capture the
frame. Before the frame is captured, a
confirmation screen appears. Choosing “Yes”
executes the operation, “No” cancels it. Press
the center button of the controller to continue.
The file name of the captured image is displayed.
Press the center button of the controller to
complete the operation.
Saved as PICT0015.JPG.
Quality of the captured image is equivalent to economy, but it is not recorded nor
Play Rew Fwd
Capture this frame?
Yes No