McAfee 8.7I Camcorder User Manual

Enterprise software version 8.7i Installation Guide Installing VirusScan Enterprise
Using the command line to install program files
Installation properties
Use these properties to customize the command-line installation:
Property Description
ADDLOCAL Installs specific features to the local computer.
CMASOURCEDIR Set the source path for the
SITELIST.XML file. The default path
is: %
Notes and Tips
The repository list must be located on a local drive and
cannot be imported from a mapped or a network drive.
ENABLEONACCESSSCANNER False = A False value cannot be set.
True = Enable on-access scanner when the installation
completes (Default).
Notes and Tips
If you do not want to enable the on-access scanner, set the
property to "", an empty string.
EXTRADATSOURCEDIR Set the source path for the
EXTRA.DAT file. During installation,
EXTRA.DAT file is copied into the location where the
engine files reside.
ICONLOCKDOWN False = A False value cannot be set.
True = Do not display any icons.
Notes and Tips
The default is an empty string.
To display icons, set the property to "", an empty string.
For example: ICONLOCKDOWN=""
INSTALLDIR Specifies the installation folder.
Notes and Tips
The value consists of the installation path.
LOCKDOWNSHORTCUTS False = A False value cannot be set.
True = Do not display any shortcuts under the
Start menu.
Notes and Tips
The default is an empty string.
To allow the shortcuts to be installed, set the property to
"", an empty string.
PRESERVESETTINGS False = A False value cannot be set.
True = Preserve settings (Default).
Notes and Tips
Preserves settings when upgrading from NetShield
VirusScan, or an earlier version of VirusScan Enterprise.
If you do not want to preserve settings, set the property
to "", an empty string.