Low-contrast scenes
For example, where the subject is wearing the
same color clothing as a wall or other background.
•Focus on a different subject located at the same
distance, use focus lock (page 40) then
Patterned subject or scene
For example, building windows.
Scenes with pronounced differences in
brightness within the focus brackets
For example, when the sun is in the background
and the main subject is in shadow.
Scenes with subjects within the focus
brackets located at different distances from
the camera
For example, when shooting an animal in a cage or
a person in a forest.
•Focus on a different subject at the same camera-
to-subject distance, use focus lock (page 40),
then recompose.
Situations Where Autofocus May Not Work As Expected
Manual Focus
•Autofocus may not work as expected in the following situations. In
such situations, focus manually using the clear matte field (page 43) or
focus using the method described.
Very dark subject
Autofocus is possible when an optional Speedlight
with the AF-Assist Illuminator (page 92) is used
and center focus brackets are selected as the
focus area.
•Focus can be set manually when the focus mode selector is set to M.
•Set the focus mode selector to M. Look through the viewfinder and rotate the
lens focusing ring until a sharp image appears on the clear matte field in the
viewfinder. The shutter can be released whether or not the subject is in focus,
and / does not appear in the viewfinder.
Use Manual focus in situations where autofocus may not work as expected
(page 42) or a lens other than an AF Nikkor (page 33) is attached.
•Manual focus using Electronic Rangefinder
•Set the focus mode selector to M. The focus can be confirmed with /
indication in the viewfinder. The Electronic Rangefinder works with most
Nikkor lenses (including AF Nikkors when operated manually) having a
maximum aperture of f/5.6 or faster.
•Lightly press the shutter release button and while the meter is on, rotate the
lens focusing ring until / appears in the viewfinder. The shutter can be
released anytime. Electronic Rangefinder can be activated with any of five
focus brackets selected as the focus area (page 37).
•If < appears in the viewfinder, focus region is in front of the subject. If >
appears in the viewfinder, focus region is behind the subject. In either case,
rotate the lens focusing ring until / appears.
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