Olympus C-2020ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

With ON selected, the settings of the following items will be
canceled and reset to the default when the power is turned off.
Aperture priority mode (p. 49),
Shutter priority mode (p. 50),
Manual mode (p. 52),
Zoom (p. 53/111),
Exposure compensation (p. 54/112),
Flash modes (p. 55),
Spot metering mode (p. 59),
Macro mode (p. 60),
Macro + Spot metering mode (p. 61),
Manual focus (p. 62/113),
Sequence mode (p. 65),
Selftimer/Remote control (p. 67/116),
Auto bracket (p. 71),
Extension flash (p. 73),
Slow shutter synchronization flash (p. 75),
Digital tele mode (p. 77),
White balance (p. 78/120),
ISO setting (p. 80/122),
Picture effects (p. 82/124),
Recording mode (p. 87/127),
A/S/M mode setting (p. 89),
Picture data (p. 92),
Date-print (card) (p. 142),
Index-print (card) (p. 143),
Direct-Prints (p. 144 ~ 154)