Olympus C-2020ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

The picture is out of focus
1 The camera moved when the shutter button was pressed.
[ Hold the camera correctly, and press the shutter button.
(P. 30/31)
2 The viewfinder’s autofocus mark was not positioned on the subject.
[ Position the autofocus frame on the subject, or use the focus
lock. (P. 45/109)
3 The lens is dirty.
[ Clean the lens with a soft dry cloth.
4 The mode was not selected correctly.
[ Shoot with the Macro mode when the subject is within the range
of 0.2 m ~ 0.8 m. For further distances, shoot with the Standard
mode. (P. 48/60)
5 The Shutter release button was pressed right in front of the camera in
the Selftimer mode.
[ Press the Shutter release button while looking into the viewfinder,
not while standing in front of the camera. Or, use the remote
control. (P. 67/116)
6 The Manual focus was used with the wrong focal range.
[ Use the right Manual focus for the distance. (P. 62/113)
The picture is too dark.
1 The flash was blocked by a finger.
[ Hold the camera correctly, keeping your fingers away from the
flash. (P. 30)
2 The subject was out of the working range of the flash.
[ Shoot within the flash working range. Or, use an extension flash.
(P. 55/73)
3 The flash mode was set to the Off mode.
[ Check the flash mode before shooting. (P. 55)
4 The subject was too small and was backlit.
[ Set the flash to Fill-In mode. (P. 55) Or, use the Spot metering
mode. (P. 59)