Olympus C-2500L Digital Camera User Manual

Hard-to-(Auto)Focus Subjects
Although the autofocus can lock on virtually any subject, the Camedia C-2500L cannot bring the following subjects into focus.
In such cases, the green lamp inside the viewfinder blinks and the shutter release button is disabled.In some cases, the shut-
ter release button will respond to touch, but the image will be out-of-focus.In these situations, use either the quick-focus fea-
ture or take the picture as explained under each example.
Subjects of low contrast
First lock focus (P.18) on something of recognizable contrast which is
the same distance from the camera as the subject you want to photo-
graph, and then point the camera at the subject and take your picture.
Subjects immersed in very bright light
First lock focus (P.18) on an object with recognizable contrast which is
in the same distance from the camera as the subject you want to photo-
graph, and then point the camera at the subject and take your picture.
Subjects without vertical lines
Hold the camera vertically and lock the focus, and then set it horizontal
to take a picture.
Two subjects at different distances from the camera
If the subjects you want to photograph appear out-of-focus, lock focus
on something the same distance from the camera as the subjects you
want to photograph, and then point the camera at the subjects and take
your picture.
Fast-moving objects
Before taking the picture, lock on something the same distance from
the camera as the subject you want to photograph, and then point the
camera at the subject and take your picture.
Taking Pictures
• Never open the Card compartment cover, eject the card, remove the
batteries or disconnect the AC adapter while the Card access lamp is
blinking.This may disturb the image storing and destroy the data on
the card.
• When the batteries run out while taking pictures, the power may turn
off.If lights, the picture just taken was not recorded properly.
Replace the batteries and take the picture again.
• The LCD monitor cannot be used as a viewfinder.
• The ON/OFF button does not function while the Card access lamp is
blinking.When you turn the Mode dial to , the mode is switched
to Playback mode after the Card access lamp goes out.
• Images cannot be taken if card capacity is full. If you try, the Memory
scale and the Number of remaining pictures blink and camera rejects
your operation.