Olympus C-2500L Digital Camera User Manual

Processing Images via Software on Your Computer
You can process images (changing tones, composing, and so on) via the CAMEDIA Master 1.11 or other application software.
This section explains some of the processing using the CAMEDIA Master 1.11.
Making Dark Images Brighter
Some images may come out darker than expected.You can try taking pic-
tures again right after the shooting, but may often miss the moment for
the good picture.This is where the CAMEDIA Master 1.11 Instant Fix
comes in.You can easily brighten the images.
Place the cursor on the desired image and double-click on it.
This will display the selected images.
Click [Image] on the menu bar and select [Filter] - [Instant Fix]
from the menu.
This will brighten the selected image.