Pentax 15086 Digital Camera User Manual

Interval Movie ...................... 113
Interval Shooting .................. 104
Invert Color (Digital Filter)
..................................... 135, 174
ISO sensitivity ........................ 75
JPEG ................................... 121
JPEG Quality ....................... 123
JPEG Recorded Pixels ........ 122
Kids R .................................... 71
Landscape s .................. 70, 71
Landscape (Custom Image)
............................................. 131
Language setting ........... 48, 190
LCD Display Settings ........... 193
LCD View Options ............... 191
Leading Curtain Sync .......... 213
Lens ............................... 45, 226
Lens information contacts ...... 17
Lens mount index .................. 45
Lens unlock button ........... 19, 46
Locking the exposure ............. 82
Locking the focus ................... 91
a (Manual) mode .................. 76
Macintosh ............................ 204
Macro b .......................... 70, 71
Manual focus \ ............ 86, 92
Manual mode a .................... 76
Manual White Balance ......... 125
Memory ................................ 195
Memory Card ......................... 43
3 button ............ 19, 21, 32
Menu operation ...................... 32
Menu page display ............... 192
Metering method .................... 84
MF Assist ................................93
\ (Manual focus) ...........86, 92
Microphones ...........................17
Miniature (Digital Filter) ........175
Mode dial ..........................19, 69
Monitor ...........................22, 193
Monochrome (Custom Image)
Monochrome (Digital Filter)
Movie ....................................109
Movie Editing ........................117
[C Movie] menu .....67, 109, 222
Movie SR ..............................110
Moving Object \ ...................71
MSC .....................................205
Multi-exposure ......................107
Multi-image display ...............156
Multi-segment metering ..........84
Museum E ............................72
Muted (Custom Image) .........131
Natural (Custom Image) .......131
ND Filter ...............................148
Night Scene A .......................71
Night Scene HDR Z .............71
Night Scene Portrait . ....70, 71
Night Snap l .........................71
Noise Reduction .....................85
NTSC ....................................169
4 button ........................19, 21
One Push File Format ..........145
Optional accessories ............228
e (Program) mode .................76
PAL .......................................169
PC/AV terminal .............168, 206
Pet Z .....................................71