Advanced Features
Advanced Features
Using the Software
For tips on how to use the optional Video
Capture Software VR-PK50E, refer to the
operation manual located on the CD-ROM in
PDF format. Follow the steps below to open the
PDF file containing the manual.
1 Insert the CD-ROM of the optional Video
Capture Software VR-PK50E into the
CD-ROM drive.
3 Double click on the “CD-ROM” drive
4 Double click on the “Acroread” folder.
5 Double click on the desired language
6 Follow the instructions as they appear
on the PC monitor until the installation is
7 Restart the PC.
Opening the PDF Manual
1 Insert the CD-ROM of the optional Video
Capture Software VR-PK50E into the
CD-ROM drive.
2 Double click on the “My Computer” icon.
Language File name
Chinese, Simplified ar40chs.exe
Chinese, Traditional ar405cht.exe
Dutch ar405dut.exe
English ar405eng.exe
French ar405fre.exe
German ar405deu.exe
Italian ar405ita.exe
Korean ar405kor.exe
Portugese, Brazilian ar405por.exe
Spanish, Castilian ar405esl.exe
Swedish ar405swe.exe
2 Double click on the“My Computer” icon.
3 Double click on the “CD-ROM” drive
4 Double click on the “Manual” folder.
5 Double click on the PDF file of the
desired language version.
• Adobe Acrobat Reader launches and
the selected PDF manual opens.
• If the PDF file does not open, Adobe Acrobat
Reader may not be properly installed. Refer to
the steps of “Installing Adobe Acrobat Reader”
to check the installation procedure.
Printing the PDF Manual
Print out the PDF manual so that you can
consult it whenever necessary.
1 Open the PDF manual.
2 Select “Print” in the “File” menu.
• The menu expressions such as “Print” and
“File” may vary according to the language
version of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed
on the PC.
• For the latest product information, be sure to
read the “Readme” text file located in the
“Readme” folder of the optional Video Capture
Software CD-ROM. Select the “Readme” text file
you prefer. The letters between “Readme” and
“.txt” define the language; for example, “en” in
“Readmeen.txt” stands for English, etc.
Installing Adobe Acrobat Reader
Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or later is required
for viewing the PDF manual of the optional
Video Capture Software VR-PK50E. If the
Adobe Acrobat Reader is not installed on your
PC, perform steps below to install one.
3 Select your print settings, then click