Before sending a command, check the predetermined
variable range and check whether the feature supports
Auto mode.
Note that variable ranges for Pan/Tilt differ
According to the IEEE 1394 specifications, the most significant bit is shown as 0.
considerably depending on the video mode. After
switching video mode, check the variable range for
Address Data Bit*
F0F00500h 8900007Fh 0 This feature exists.
(Brightness) 4 The value can be read out.
7 Manual setting can be selected.
8-19 Min. 0
20-31 Max. 127
F0F00504h 8905A073h 0 This feature exists.
(Auto Exposure) 4 The value can be read out.
7 Manual setting can be selected.
8-19 Min. 90
20-31 Max. 115
F0F00508h 89000007h 0 This feature exists.
(Sharpness) 4 The value can be read out.
7 Manual setting can be selected.
8-19 Min. 0
20-31 Max. 7
F0F0050Ch 9B700900h 0 This feature exists.
(White Balance) 3 One Push Auto mode can be selected.
4 The value can be read out.
6 Auto setting can be selected.
7 Manual setting can be selected.
8-19 Min. 1792
20-31 Max. 2304
F0F00510h 890530ADh 0 This feature exists.
(Hue) 4 The value can be read out.
7 Manual setting can be selected.
8-19 Min. 83
20-31 Max. 173
F0F00514h 890001FFh 0 This feature exists.
(Saturation) 4 The value can be read out.
7 Manual setting can be selected.
8-19 Min. 0
20-31 Max. 511
F0F00518h 89080082h 0 This feature exists.
(Gamma) 4 The value can be read out.
7 Manual setting can be selected.
8-19 Min. 128
20-31 Max. 130
F0F0051Ch CB00347Eh 0 This feature exists.
(Shutter) 1 Absolute value control possible
4 The value can be read out.
6 Auto setting can be selected.
7 Manual setting can be selected.
8-19 Min. 3
20-31 Max. 1150