Connecting your camcorder to your computer
using the USB cable – For Windows users
Complete installation of the USB driver before connecting the camcorder to
the computer. If you connect the camcorder to the computer first, you will not
be able to install the USB driver correctly.
When connecting to a computer using the USB cable
You must install a USB driver onto your computer in order to connect the camcorder to
the computer’s USB connector. The USB driver can be found on the CD-ROM supplied,
along with the application software required for viewing images.
If you connect your camcorder and your computer using the USB cable, you can view
pictures live from your camcorder and pictures recorded on a tape on your computer
(USB streaming function).
Furthermore, if you download pictures from your camcorder to your computer, you
can process or edit them in image processing software and append them to e-mail.
You can view images recorded on the “Memory Stick” on your computer.
Recommended computer usage environment when connecting
via USB cable and viewing tape images on the computer
Microsoft Windows 98SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP
Home Edition or Windows XP Professional
Standard installation is required.
However, operation is not assured if the above environment is an upgraded OS.
You cannot hear sound if your computer is running Windows 98, but you can read still
Minimum 500 MHz Intel Pentium III or faster (800 MHz or faster recommended)
DirectX 8.0a or later
Sound system:
16 bit stereo sound card and speakers
64 MB or more
Hard disk:
Available memory required for installation:
at least 200MB
Available hard disc memory recommended:
at least 1GB (depending on the size of the image files edited)
4 MB VRAM video card, Minimum 800 × 600 dot High color (16 bit color, 65,000 colors),
Direct Draw display driver capability (At 800 × 600 dot or less, 256 colors and less, this
product will not operate correctly.)
This product is compatible with DirectX technology, so it is necessary to install DirectX.
The USB connector must be provided as standard.
You cannot use this function in the Macintosh environment.