Page 30 NetCam
3.9 Dial-Out Properties
The Dial-Out Properties page contains all the ISP dial-up conguration
information for setting up NetCam on a dial-up modem. After making
changes, click the Apply button to save the settings in the camera.
Internet Dial-Out Connection (PPP)
If NetCam’s primary connection to the Internet will be a dial-up modem
connection to the Internet, enter your ISP (Internet Service Provider) account
information here.
Check this option on if you’d like NetCam to use an external modem
to dial the Internet.
Baud Rate
This represents the speed or baud rate at which NetCam will
communicate with the external modem. For most dial-up accounts, a baud
rate of 38400 or 19200 works best.
Default: 38400
Initialization String
This is a string that congures your modem before dialing the Internet.
The default string works ne in most cases.
Default: AT
Phone Number
The phone number of the ISP (Internet Service Provider). You can
embed special characters in the phone number.