McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 129
copy [group_source] [group_destination]
Creates a new group named [group_destination] and copies the membership into it from the group given by
create [group] [type]
Creates a group with the name given by [group] with the type given by [type]. A group name must begin with
a letter and be no longer than 64 characters. Valid characters are 0—9, A—Z, a—z, _, $, ^, and -. The
security database supports a maximum of 16 groups. If you omit [type], ISL is used. [type] can be one of the
Configures security for attachments to other switches.
Configures security for attachments to N_Port devices.
Configures security for attachments to N_Port devices that are issuing management server commands.
edit [group] [member]
Initiates an editing session in which to change the attributes of a World Wide Name given by [member] in a
group given by [group]. Member attributes that can be changed are described in Table 34:
Table 34 Group member attributes
Attribute Description
(ISL and Port Groups)
Enables (CHAP) or disables (None) authentication using Challenge
Handshake Authentication Protocol. The default is None.
(MS Groups)
CT authentication. Enables (True) or disables (False) authentication for MS
group members. The default is False.
Primary Hash
(ISL and Port Groups)
The preferred hash function to use to decipher the encrypted Primary Secret
sent by the member. The hash functions are MD5 or SHA-1. If the member
does not support the Primary Hash, the switch will use the Secondary Hash.
(MS Groups)
The hash function to use to decipher the encrypted Secret sent by the MS
group member. Hash values are MD5 or SHA-1.
Primary Secret
(ISL and Port Groups)
Hexadecimal string that is encrypted by the Primary Hash for authentication
with the member. The string has the following lengths depending on the
Primary Hash function:
MD5 hash: 16-byte
SHA-1 hash: 20-byte
Secondary Hash
(ISL and Port Groups)
Hash function to use to decipher the encrypted Secondary Secret sent by
the group member. Hash values are MD5 or SHA-1. The Secondary Hash
is used when the Primary Hash is not available on the group member. The
Primary Hash and the Secondary Hash cannot be the same.
Secondary Secret
(ISL and Port Groups)
Hex string that is encrypted by the Secondary Hash and sent for
authentication. The string has the following lengths depending on the
Secondary Hash function:
MD5 hash: 16-byte
SHA-1 hash: 20-byte