70 Managing switches
Zoning Default Visibility Zoning visibility status. Permits (All) or prevents (None)
communication between attached devices in the absence of
an active zone set.
Default Zone The Default Zone parameter enables (True) or disables
(False) communication among ports/devices that are not
defined in the active zone set or when there is no active
zone set. This parameter must have the same value
throughout the fabric. If interop mode is McDATA Fabric
Mode, the Default Zone parameter is automatically
distributed throughout the fabric. If McDATA 4Gb SAN
Switches are in a fabric with other M-Series directors and
edge switches, and the interop mode is Standard/Open
Fabric, the Default Zone parameter MUST be disabled
(False) on the McDATA 4Gb SAN Switches for zoning to
function properly.
Discard Inactive Automatically removes the previously active zone set when a
zoneset is activated on a switch
Temperature Internal switch temperature °C
Security Auto Save If enabled (default), the security configuration is saved to
non-volatile memory on the switch. If disabled, the security
file is saved only to temporary memory. The Auto Save
feature is used when Fabric Binding is enabled. When Auto
Save is disabled, any updates from remote switches will not
be saved locally. If the local switch is reset, it may isolate.
Security Fabric Binding
If enabled, the expected domain ID of a switch is required
before attaching to the fabric
Fan 1 Status Not applicable
Fan 2 Status Not applicable
Power Supply 1 Status Power supply 1 status
Power Supply 2 Status Not applicable
Beacon Status Beacon status. Switch LEDs are blinking (on) or not (off).
Broadcast Support Broadcast support status. Broadcast support is enabled or
disabled (default).
In-band Enabled In-band management status. Permits (True) or prevents
(False) a switch from being managed over a FC port.
Temperature Failure Port
Non-configurable (always enabled for this switch). All ports
are downed when the switch temperature exceeds the
Failure Temperature.
Warning Temperature Non-configurable temperature threshold (65° Celsius) above
which a warning condition alarm is generated.
Failure Temperature Non-configurable temperature threshold (70° Celsius) above
which a failure condition alarm is generated.
NTP Client Enabled Enabled or disabled. Allows for switches to synchronize their
time a centralized server.
Table 9 Switch data window entries (continued)
Entry Description