
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide 157
ARB_FF Send ARB_FF (True) instead of IDLEs (False) on the loop. The default is
(External ports only)
Interoperability credit. The number of buffer-to-buffer credits per port. 0
means the default (8) is unchanged. Changing interoperability credits is
necessary only for E_Ports that are connected to non-FC-SW-2-compliant
switches. Contact your authorized maintenance provider for assistance in
using this feature.
FANEnable Fabric address notification. Enables (True) or disables (False) the
communication of the FL_Port address, port name, and node name to the
logged-in NL_Port. The default is True.
AutoPerfTuning Automatic performance tuning for FL_Ports only. The default is True.
If AutoPerfTuning is enabled (True) and the port is an FL_Port,
MFSEnable is automatically enabled. LCFEnable and VIEnable are
overridden to False.
If AutoPerfTuning is disabled (False), MFSEnable, LCFEnable, and
VIEnable retain their original values.
LCFEnable Link control frame preference routing. This parameter appears only if
AutoPerfTuning is False. Enables (True) or disables (False) preferred
routing of frames with R_CTL = 1100 (Class 2 responses). The default is
False. Enabling LCFEnable will disable MFSEnable.
MFSEnable Multi-Frame Sequence bundling. This parameter appears only if
AutoPerfTuning is False. Prevents (True) or allows (False) the interleaving
of frames in a sequence. The default is False. Enabling MFSEnable
disables LCFEnable and VIEnable.
VIEnable Virtual Interface (VI) preference routing. This parameter appears only if
AutoPerfTuning is False. Enables (True) or disables (False) VI preference
routing. The default is False. Enabling VIEnable will disable MFSEnable.
MSEnable Management server enable. Enables (True) or disables (False)
management server on this port. The default is True.
NoClose Loop circuit closure prevention. Enables (True) or disables (False) the
loop’s ability to remain in the open state indefinitely. True reduces the
amount of arbitration on a loop when there is only one device on the
loop. The default is False.
PDISCPingEnable Enables (True) or disables (False) the transmission of ping messages from
the switch to all devices on a loop port. The default is True.
Table 44 Set Config port parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
ports [port_type]
Initiates an editing session in which to change configuration parameters for all internal ports, all
external ports, or all ports based on the value given by [port_type]. port_type can be “internal”
or “external”. If you omit [port_type], all ports are changed. For each parameter, enter a new
value or press Enter to accept the current value shown in brackets. Press q to end the
configuration. Table 44 describes the port parameters.