46 Managing fabrics
Saving the Event Browser to a file
You can save the displayed Event Browser entries to a file. Filtering affects the save operation, because
only displayed events are saved. To save the Event Browser to a file, perform the following procedure:
1. Filter and sort the Event Browser to obtain the desired display. Refer to ”Filtering the Event Browser” on
page 45 and ”Sorting the Event Browser” on page 45 for more information.
2. Select File > Save As.
3. Select a pathname to which to save the event log and click Save. The file can be saved in XML, CSV, or
text format. XML files can be opened with an internet browser or text editor. CSV files can be opened
with most spreadsheet applications.
Devices data window
The Devices data window displays information about devices (hosts and storage targets) connected to the
switch. Click the Devices data window tab, in either the topology or faceplate display, to display device
information for all devices that are logged into the selected fabric. To narrow the display to devices that
are logged into specific switches, select one or more switches in the fabric tree or the topology display.
Table 6 describes the entries in the Devices data window. Refer to ”Exporting device information to a file”
on page 48 for exporting device information.
Table 6 Devices data window entries
Entry Description
Port WWN Port World Wide Name
Nickname Device port nickname. To create a new nickname or edit an
existing nickname, double-click the cell and enter a nickname in
the Edit Nickname dialog. Refer to ”Managing device port
nicknames” on page 48 for more information.
Details Click (i) to display additional detail about the device. Refer to
”Displaying detailed device information” on page 48.
FC Address Fibre Channel address
Switch Switch name
Port Switch port number
Target/Initiator Device type: target or initiator
Vendor Host bus adapter/device vendor
Host Name Name of host. This only applies to HBAs that support FDMI and
register this data.
Active Zones The active zone to which the device belongs
Row # Row number reference for each listing in the Devices data
window table