Configuration of the camera
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
420h + 000002h x 4 = 428h
The entry with key D1 in the root directory (424h in this case) provides the
offset for the unit directory as follows:
424h + 000004h x 4 = 434h
The entry with key D4 in the unit directory (440h in this case) provides the
offset for unit dependent info:
440h + 000001h * 4 = 444h
To compute the effective start address of the node unique ID leaf
currAddr = node unique ID leaf address
destAddr = address of directory entry
addrOffset = value of directory entry
destAddr = currAddr + (4 x addrOffset)
= 420h + (4 x 000002h)
= 428h
Table 65: Computing effective start address
Offset 0-7 8-15 16-23 24-31
428h 00 02 CA 71
Node unique ID leaf 42Ch
00 0A 47 01
00 00 Serial number
Table 66: Configuration ROM
Offset 0-7 8-15 16-23 24-31
434h 00 03 93 7D
Unit directory 438h 12 00 A0 2D
43Ch 13 00 01 02
440h D4
00 00 01
Table 67: Configuration ROM