Advanced Shooting Functions
File and Folder Numbers
Recorded images are assigned consecutive file numbers starting
with 0001 and ranging up to 9999, while folders are assigned
numbers starting with 100 and ranging up to 999. Up to 2,000 images
can be saved into a single folder.
zImages may be saved to a new folder when there is insufficient free
space even if the total number of images in a folder is less than
2,000 because the following types of images are always saved
together into the same folder.
zImages cannot be played back when the folder numbers are
duplicated or image numbers are duplicated within folders.
zPlease refer to the Software Starter Guide for information regarding
folder structures or image types.
New Folder Created
Created Memory Card Exchanged
for Another
Continuous Memory Card 1
Memory Card 1 Memory Card 2
Auto Reset Memory Card 1
Memory Card 1 Memory Card 2
z Continuous shooting z Self-timer images ( (custom))
z Movies (still images of movies) z Stitch Assist mode images
z Color Accent/Color Swap still images (with [Save Original] set to [On])
z Focus Bracketing
z AEB shooting