D-Link DNR-322L Security Camera User Manual

34D-Link DNR-322L User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Camera Search
Step 1: Click the Search button to search for UPnP cameras. The system
will list all the available cameras at this moment. Click the “+”icontoadd
this camera into your camera list. If the cameras are already added, it will
mark as red word.
Step 2: After clicking the icon, the camera setting page will pop-up. Click
on the camera that you want to add.
Step 3: Enter the camera name, user name, and password of the camera.
• Somecameraswilllimittheloginauthoritytotheadministratoronly.
• ToaddcameraswithouttheUPnPfunction,pleasegotothecameraSetupmenu
and enter the IP address manually.
• Youmaynotbeabletoseeallthecamerasonyourrstsearch.Itmaytakeamoment
for the devices to respond to the UPnP request. Please click Search again if cameras
are not immediately displayed.
Step 4: Click the Add button to add the selected camera.
Step 5: After clicking Add, the updated information will be displayed in
the camera List.
Step 6: Repeat step 2 through 5 to add other cameras into your list.