EPTZ100_ma_en_rev03.doc 28
some blue or reduce some red; if lighting is fluorescent or within white
spectrum, try to either add some red or reduce some blue.
Default values are 30 (for RED) and 40 (for BLUE); it is recommended
not to set the values too far away from these two default values.
Back light compensation improves the image quality in scenes with extreme light behind the
object which usually washes out the image considerably. Back light function is used to
reduce, if necessary, both exposure time and video gain to avoid over-exposure.
Use the back light compensation for sceneries with back light only; under normal light
conditions, the BLC may impair the image quality.
OFF BLC not active
LOW; MIDDLE; HIGH Levels of BLC gain. Set the level as low as possible to avoid
MOTION DET EPTZ 100 does not support this feature. Please leave the setting on OFF.
FOCUS Submenu for setup of focus modes and features:
ONE_PUSH The one-push function focuses the lens after each pan / tilt / zoom
operation and turns autofocus off after focusing.
This mode is recommended for most applications.
AUTO The AUTO mode enforces the lens to automatically adjust its
focusing when either the object moves or the scene has changed.
NOTE: The autofocus function requires adequate illumination of the
scenery. Especially in low lux environment, it is recommended to use
the "One Push" autofocus mode, not the "AUTO" mode.
MANUAL Manual mode to finetune and obtain the optimum focusing.
In certain conditions, such as weak contrast, dark sceneries etc., the
autofocus function of the camera may not get the best focus position.
In such case, the focus can be adjusted manually.
ZOOM TRK Zoom tracking - with setting ON, the lens tries to keep focus also
during zoom in / zoom out operation.
Dependencies zoom modes:
One-Push AUTO Manual Focus
Action ON off ON off n/a off
Change in scene no action no action focusing focusing no action
Zooming focusing focusing
at stop
focusing focusing focusing
at stop
focusing at
focusing focusing no action
Go to Preset focusing at
focusing focusing no action
ZOOM SPEED Zoom speed setting: FAST or SLOW
D-ZOOM Value for maximum digital zoom ratio LIMIT x2 ~ x10
DISP ZOOM MAG ON: Overlay display of zoom position on the screen