FujiFilm J210 Digital Camera User Manual

Basic Setup
A language-selection dialog is displayed the first time the camera is turned on. Set up the camera as
described below (for information on resetting the clock or changing languages, see page 74).
1 Choose a language,
1.1 Press the selector up, down, _A_
1.2 PressMENU/OK
Set the date and time,
¥Y,MM, DD _ 1. 1 12:00
;:_; AM
2.1 Press the selector left or right fax
to highlight the year, month, _"_" "i_
day, hour, or minute and press
up or down to change. To change the or-
der in which the year, month, and day are
displayed, highlight the date format and
press the selector up or down.
2.2 PressMENU/OK
Ifthe battery isremoved for anextended period, the camera clockwill be resetandtile language-selection dialog
will be displayed when the camera isturned on. Iftile battery isleft in tile camera for about two hours, tile bat-
tery carl be removed for about 24hours without resetting the clock or language selection.