Netfinity Manager
Netfinity Manager provides powerful hardware systems-
management capabilities, including access to all systems on
the network that are running Netfinity Manager or Client Ser-
vices for Netfinity Manager. In addition to all standard Client
Services for Netfinity Manager functions, Netfinity Manager
also features directory transfers and file, remote screen cap-
tures, and remote command-line sessions. Netfinity Man-
ager also enables you to export data collected by System
Information Tool, System Profile, Software Inventory, and
System Monitor to a DB2, Lotus Notes, or SQL or DB2 via
an open database connectivity (ODBC) database (ODBC
export is available on Windows NT systems only). Finally,
Netfinity Manager enables some services to be started at
scheduled times and dates for simplified, automated sys-
tems management.
Netfinity Manager also provides two powerful features that
enable you to access the Netfinity Manager system and all
Netfinity Manager systems from a system that is not
attached to the managing system network:
• Serial Connection Control
Use the Serial Connection Control service to use a Net-
finity Manager system modem to establish a connec-
tion with any Netfinity Manager system that has a
modem. Once this connection is established, the Net-
finity Manager has full access to Netfinity Manager ser-
vices, just as though the remote system were part of
the managing system network.
• Netfinity Manager for Web
Netfinity Manager for Web enables access and remote
control of the Netfinity Manager system over the Inter-
net, using any system that has an Internet connection
and a World Wide Web (WWW) browser. With the Net-
finity Manager for Web, the Netfinity Manager systems
can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
Managing your IBM Netfinity server with
Netfinity Manager
A Netfinity Manager systems management environment
consists of two parts:
• A systems management console running Netfinity Man-
ager. The systems management console is the system
from which administrative tasks are performed.
• Client systems running Client Services for Netfinity
Manager. Client Services for Netfinity Manager runs on
all client systems in your network and enables Netfinity
Manager to remotely monitor, inventory, manage, and
troubleshoot the systems on which it is installed.
Once you have installed Netfinity Manager and Client Ser-
vices for Netfinity Manager on the appropriate systems you
are ready to use Netfinity Manager to remotely inventory,
monitor, and troubleshoot the client systems in your network.