JAI CV-M7+ Security Camera User Manual

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6.8. Frame-delay read out Mode with multiple exposure.
Multiple exposures is possible in frame delay read out mode. The pre selected exposure starts
from the leading edge of the trigger pulse. It can be the 10 steps in normal or 1056 steps in
programmable. SM=0 or SM=1. The resulting video is read out at the trailing edge of the trigger.
This mode will operate with full and partial scanning and with binning (M4
and M4
CL only).
Partial scanning and binning in combinations is not allowed.
If smearless read out (SL=1) is used, the first exposure starts with a delay 133H (5.23 msec.)
after the trigger.
Input of the multiple shutter trigger can be applied >1H after the exposure time (EEN low).
An EEN pulse will indicate the active accumulation time, and a FEN pulse indicates that the
resulting video is read out.
To use this mode:
Set function: Trigger mode “Frame delay read out” TR = 3
Multiple exposure ML = 1
“H synchronous accumulation” HC=0, HC=1
Polarity and other functions
Input: Ext. trigger to LVDS/Camera Link or pin 10 on 12-pin connector.
Ext. Multi shutter to LVDS/Camera Link or pin 11 on 12-pin connector.
Important notes on using this mode.
The duration of the trigger should be low >2H after the end of the last exposure.
The number of exposures in multiple shutter should be 6.
A new trigger must not be applied before FEN is high.
Fig. 24. Multiple exposure, normal and smearless