Description of the System TPS1200 17
Instrument models
LEICA Geo Office • LGO supports GPS1200 and TPS1200 instruments. It also supports all other
Leica TPS instruments.
• LGO is based on a graphical user interface with standard Windows® operating
• LGO provides the following functionality:
Model Description
TC1200 Basis electronic tachymeter.
TCR1200 Additional components: Reflectorless EDM.
TCRM1200 Additional components: Reflectorless EDM, Motorised.
TCA1200 Additional components: Automated, Motorised.
TCP1200 Additional components: Automated, Motorised, PowerSearch.
TCRA1200 Additional components: Reflectorless EDM, Automated, Motorised.
TCRP1200 Additional components: Reflectorless EDM, Automated, Motorised,