Example Templates
These examples show a PARTNER-34D telephone, PARTNER-CA48 Intercom
Autodialer programmed for a PARTNER II system receptionist, and a
PARTNER-18 telephone programmed for a PARTNER II system in Hybrid mode
for a user at a pooled extension. Buttons that are not used for lines or pools have
dial-code features. (The abbreviations are explained in "Button Feature
Summary" beginning on page 11.) The 34-button telephone has 18 lines
PARTNER-34D Telephone
PARTNER-18 Telephone
assigned, and the Intercom Autodialer is programmed with Intercom Auto Dial
and Manual Signaling buttons for 45 extensions; the order of extensions has been
changed to begin with extension 11 on the top left button. The user’s 18-button
telephone has the main pool, an auxiliary pool, and 2 individual lines assigned; the
other 11 buttons are used for Intercom Auto Dialing and dial-code features.
Shaded areas indicate features that are available only on a PARTNER II
PARTNER-CA48 Intercom Autodialer