Form D Supplemental Instructions:
Number Lists
Use this form to specify lists of Disallowed, Allowed, and Emergency telephone
numbers. Also use this form to identify the phone numbers dialed automatically
by External Hotlines.
NOTE: To restrict long-distance calling, Toll Call Prefix {#402} (indicating
whether you must dial a 0 or 1 to place long distance calls) must be set cor-
rectly (see Form A, Item 9).
Creating Disallowed and Allowed Lists
You can create up to 4 lists each of Disallowed and Allowed telephone num-
bers. Each list can have up to 10 numbers.
Under the List number, write a name for the list (for example, "Suppliers").
In the "Telephone Number" column, write the entries for the list. You can
specify complete telephone numbers or categories of numbers.
To specify a complete number, write it exactly as it would be dialed,
including (if needed) a dial-out code, toll call prefix, and area code.
To specify a category, provide one or more entries to describe an entire
class of calls (such as an area code or local exchange). Preventing calls
to a category may require more than one entry, to allow for different ways
of dialing a number (see "Examples of Disallowed List Entries").
After a list has been created, it can be assigned to an extension (see Form B2).
Disallowed Phone Number Lists {#404}
With Disallowed lists, you can prevent users from dialing specific telephone
numbers or categories (for example, calls to 976 exchanges for pre-recorded
messages such as horoscopes, and calls to 900 area code "chat lines").
Examples of Disallowed List Entries
Preventing Calls to 976 Exchange Numbers
Entries needed. . .
if 0 or 1 toll prefix
if 0 or 1 toll prefix
is required is not required
Preventing Calls to 900 Area Code
Entries needed. . .
if 0 or 1 toll prefix
if 0 or 1 toll prefix
is required
is not required
Preventing International (011) Calls
Entry needed. . .
Preventing Long Distance Calls After Using a Local Telephone
Company Feature Consisting of a
★ and Two Digits, Such as Call
Entries needed. . .
Allowed Phone Number Lists {#407}
Allowed telephone numbers are exceptions to restrictions. For example, you might
put 976 numbers on a Disallowed list, but allow dialing of 976-1212 for weather
reports. Or you might restrict an extension to local dialing only, but assign an
Allowed list to permit the user to call specific customers or suppliers.