Olympus D-490ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Important Safety Instructions (continued)
Handling the Camera
1 Use caution when taking flash pictures at close range. When you fire
the flash, you must be at least 3ft. away from the faces of your
subjects, especially when taking pictures of infants and small
children. Firing the flash too close to the subject's eyes could cause
a momentary loss of vision.
2 To avoid damaging your eyes, never aim the camera directly into the
sun, or any other extremely bright light source.
3 To avoid causing a fire or explosion, never use the camera in near
flammable or explosive gases.
4 Always use and store the camera out of the reach of young children
and infants to prevent the following dangerous situations which could
cause serious injury:
Becoming entangled in the camera strap, causing strangulation.
Accidentally swallowing a battery or small part.
Accidentally firing the flash into their own eyes or into the eyes of
another child.
5 To avoid the hazards of fire or electrical shock, store the camera in a
cool, dry location where it will not be subjected to high humidity or
6 To avoid minor burns, never cover the flash with your hand when it is
fired. Never touch the flash unit after continuous use. The flash unit
becomes very hot during continuous operation.
7 If the camera is accidentally dropped in water, or if liquid is spilled
into the camera, stop using the camera, allow the camera to dry, and
then remove the batteries. Contact the nearest Olympus authorized
service center.
1 Olympus NiMH batteries are intended for use only with Olympus
digital cameras. Never use these batteries with any other device.
2 Never subject batteries to strong shocks or continuous vibration.
3 Never mix batteries (old and new batteries, charged and uncharged
batteries, batteries of different manufacture or capacity, etc.).
4 Always charge sets of batteries (2 or 4) together.
5 Always charge NiMH batteries before using them for the first time, or
if they have not been used for a long period.
6 While the camera is not in use, always remove the batteries to
prevent accidental leakage which could damage the battery
7 Never store batteries where they will be exposed to direct sunlight,
or subjected to high temperatures in a hot vehicle, near a heat
source, etc.
8 Batteries may become hot during prolonged use. To avoid minor
burns, never remove them immediately after using the camera.