Olympus D-490ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Composing Images with Templates
It is easy to create fun composite images using CAMEDIA Master
* The example shows a Windows screen. Certain functions differ depending
on whether you are using Windows or a Macintosh operating system.
Processing Photo Images with a Computer
Using CAMEDIA Master 2.0:
This software can be used to download, process, and save load
images. The instructions are located in the CAMEDIA Master folder on
your computer.
For details, see the CAMEDIA Master 2.0 online instructions.
Making Dark Images Brighter
Some images may come out darker than expected.You could try to
take another photo immediately, but often the right moment has passed
and won’t get the shot you are looking for.
However, it is easy to brighten images with CAMEDIA’s one-touch
correction function.
Correcting Blurry Images
Backlight sometimes makes a whole picture blurry, and objects in front
of the main subject may be out of focus.
When this happens use the CAMEDIA Master Sharpen function to
sharpen the overall focus of an image. However, this feature can not
completely compensate for extreme image blurriness.