Olympus D-490ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Troubleshooting (continued)
The colors of pictures taken indoors look unnatural
The lighting affected the picture. Set the flash to fill-in mode.
The subject is mostly dark. Use flash or increase exposure
compensation +.
The white balance setting is incorrect. Set the white balance to suit
lighting conditions.
The picture has obscured edge(s)
The lens was partly blocked by a finger or the strap. Hold the camera
correctly, keeping your fingers and the strap away from the lens.
The shooting distance was too close. Use the monitor.
Picture Problems
The picture is out of focus
The camera was jarred when the shutter release button was pressed.
Hold the camera firmly and press the shutter release button smoothly.
The viewfinder autofocus mark was not positioned on the subject.
Position the autofocus frame on the subject, or use the focus lock.
The lens is dirty. Clean the lens with a soft, dry cloth.
The mode was not selected correctly. Shoot in the macro mode where
the subject is within the range of 8to 31. For greater distances, shoot in
the standard mode.
The shutter release button was pressed while standing directly in front of
the camera when using the self-timer. When using the self-time, press
the shutter release button while looking into the viewfinder, not while
standing in front of the camera.
A flash was needed for the photo, but somehow neither the auto-flash nor
fill-in flash mode was operating. The shutter speed become slower and
the exposure time becomes longer, so use the tripod or hold the camera
as steady as possible to avoid camera movement.
Quick Focus was used in the wrong focal range. Use the correct Quick
Focus setting for the distance you’re shooting at.
The picture is too bright
The flash is set to fill-in flash mode. Set the flash a different mode.
The subject being shot is excessively bright. Use the exposure
compensation feature, or change the angle of the camera.
The picture is too dark
The flash was blocked by a finger. Hold the camera correctly, keeping
your fingers away from the flash.
The subject was out of the working range of the flash. Shoot within the
flash working range.
The flash mode was turned off. Push up the flash housing before
The subject was too small or was backlit. Set the flash to fill-in mode,
or use the spot metering mode.
The picture was taken in the sequence mode. Pictures will appear dark
in the sequence mode because of the fast shutter speed, especially in
dim light.