Olympus E-510 Digital Camera User Manual

Interchangeable lenses
Main Specifications
Can be used with the optional EX-25 extension tube under the following conditions.
The focus adjustment when EX-25 is used will be MF.
Storage Precautions
Clean the lens after use. Remove dust and dirt on the surface of the lens with a blower
brush or brush. Use commercially available lens cleaning paper to remove the dirt on the
Always cap the lens and store it when it is not used.
Do not use organic solvents.
Items 17.5-45 mm 14-42 mm 40-150 mm
Mount FOUR THIRDS mount
Focal distance 17.5 - 45 mm 14 - 42 mm 40 - 150 mm
Max. aperture f3.5 - 5.6 f3.5 - 5.6 f4 - 5.6
Image angle 63o - 27o 75o - 29o 30o - 8.2o
Lens configuration
7 groups, 7 lenses 8 groups, 10 lenses 9 groups, 12 lenses
Multilayer film coating (partially single layered)
Iris control f3.5 - 22 f3.5 - 22 f4 - 22
Shooting range 0.28 m - ) 0.25 m - ) 0.9 m - )
Focus adjustment AF/MF switching
Weight (excluding hood and cap) 210 g 190 g 220 g
(Max. diameter × overall length)
l71 × 70 mm l65.5 × 61 mm l65.5 × 72 mm
Lens hood mount k Bayonet
Filter mount thread diameter 52 mm 58 mm
Lens, focal distance Shooting range
( ): Calculated based on 35 mm film camera
17.5-45 mm
17.5 mm
Shooting is not possible since subjects cannot be brought into focus at
this focal length.
28 mm 15.1 cm - 15.9 cm 0.89 - 1.16× (1.78 - 2.32×)
45 mm 18.4 cm - 22.4 cm 0.57 - 0.91× (1.14 - 1.82×)
14-42 mm
14 mm
Shooting is not possible since subjects cannot be brought into focus at
this focal length.
25 mm 13.3 cm 1.02× (2.04×)
42 mm 16.2 cm - 17.3 cm 0.61 - 0.69× (1.22 - 1.38×)
40-150 mm
40 mm 19.0 cm - 20.4 cm 0.61 - 0.70× (1.22 - 1.40×)
80 mm 28.0 cm - 40.6 cm 0.32 - 0.48× (0.64 - 0.96×)
150 mm 48.0 cm - 118.8 cm 0.17 - 0.39× (0.34 - 0.78×)
x Notes on Shooting
Edges of pictures may be cut off if more than one filter is used or if a thick filter is used.
s0010_e_00_unified.book Page 129 Monday, April 9, 2007 6:12 PM