Olympus E-510 Digital Camera User Manual

Custom printing
1 Follow the operation guide to set a print option.
Selecting the print mode
Select the type of printing (print mode). The available print modes are as shown below.
[PRINT] Prints selected pictures.
[ALL PRINT] Prints all the pictures stored in the card and makes one print for each
[MULTI PRINT] Prints multiple copies of one image in separate frames on a single sheet.
[ALL INDEX] Prints an index of all the pictures stored in the card.
[PRINT ORDER] Prints according to the print reservation you made. If there is no picture
with print reservation, this is not available. (gP. 85)
Setting the print paper items
This setting varies with the type of printer. If only the printer’s STANDARD setting is
available, you cannot change the setting.
[SIZE] Sets the paper size that the printer
[BORDERLESS] Selects whether the picture is printed
on the entire page or inside a blank
[PICS/SHEET] Selects the number of pictures per
sheet. Displayed when you have
selected [MULTI PRINT].
Follow the operation guide displayed here.
s0010_e_00_unified.book Page 89 Monday, April 9, 2007 6:12 PM