Olympus E-510 Digital Camera User Manual

Selecting pictures you want to print
Select pictures you want to print. The selected pictures can be printed later (single-frame
reservation) or the picture you are displaying can be printed right away.
[PRINT] (f) Prints the currently displayed picture.
If there is a picture that [SINGLE
PRINT] reservation has already been
applied to, only that reserved picture
will be printed.
[SINGLE PRINT] ( ) Applies print reservation to the
currently displayed picture. If you
want to apply reservation to other
pictures after applying [SINGLE
PRINT], use bd to select them.
[MORE] ( ) Sets the number of prints and other items for the currently displayed
picture, and whether or not to print it.
g “Setting printing data” (P. 90)
Setting printing data
Select whether to print printing data such as the date and time or file name on the picture
when printing.
[<×] Sets the number of prints.
[DATE] Prints the date and time recorded on the
[FILE NAME] Prints the file name recorded on the picture.
2 Once you have set the pictures for printing
and printing data, select [PRINT], then press the i.
[PRINT] Transfers images you print to the printer.
[CANCEL] Resets the settings. All print reservation data
will be lost. If you want to keep the print
reservation data and make other settings,
press b. This returns you to the previous
To stop and cancel printing, press the i button.
[CONTINUE] Continues printing.
[CANCEL] Cancels printing. All print reservation data will
be lost.
s0010_e_00_unified.book Page 90 Monday, April 9, 2007 6:12 PM