Olympus E-510 Digital Camera User Manual

Playback functions
This function displays images stored on the card one after another. Images are displayed one
by one for about 5 seconds starting from the currently displayed image. Slideshow can be
performed using index display. You can select the number of frames displayed during
slideshow from 1, 4, 9, 16 or 25.
1 MENU[q][m]
2 Use p to set.
[K] (1-frame display)/[L] (4-frame display)/[M]
(9-frame display)/[N] (16-frame display)/[O]
(25-frame display)
3 Press the i button to start the slideshow.
4 Press the i button to stop the slideshow.
This function lets you rotate images and display them vertically on the monitor during single-
frame playback. This is useful when taking pictures with the camera held vertically. The
images will automatically be displayed in the correct direction even if the camera is rotated.
When set to [ON], images shot vertically will be automatically
rotated and displayed during playback. You can also press
the F button to rotate and display the image.
The rotated image will be recorded on the card in that
x Notes
If the slideshow is left running for about 30 minutes, the camera will turn off automatically.
Rotating images
When selecting [L]
F button
Original image
before rotating
s0010_e_00_unified.book Page 68 Monday, April 9, 2007 6:12 PM