Olympus E-510 Digital Camera User Manual

Shooting functions k Selecting the appropriate mode for shooting conditions
The camera sets the optimum aperture value automatically for the shutter speed you have
selected. Set the shutter speed depending on the type of effect you want. A higher speed
shutter allows you to capture a fast-moving subject without blur, and a slower shutter speed
blurs a moving subject, creating a feeling of speed or motion.
Set the mode dial to S and turn the
control dial to set the shutter speed.
The shutter speed changes in 1/3 EV
increments as the control dial is turned.
You can also change the step with the
customized settings. g “EV
step” (P. 78)
Display in the viewfinder when the shutter button is pressed halfway
The picture looks blurred:
J The possibility of camera shake spoiling your picture increases greatly during macro or ultra-
telephoto shooting. Raise the shutter speed or use a monopod or tripod to stabilize the camera.
The aperture value indication continues to blink after the shutter speed is changed:
J If the aperture value indication at the maximum value is blinking, set the ISO sensitivity to a lower
value or use a commercially available ND filter (for adjusting the amount of light). g “ISO k
Setting the desired sensitivity to light” (P. 56)
J If the aperture value indication at the minimum value is blinking, set the ISO sensitivity to a higher
value. g “ISO k Setting the desired sensitivity to light” (P. 56)
S: Shutter priority shooting
If the aperture value indication at the minimum
value is blinking*, the correct exposure has not
been attained (underexposed). Lower the
shutter speed.
If the aperture value indication at the maximum
value is blinking*, the correct exposure has not
been attained (overexposed). Raise the shutter
* The aperture value at the moment when its indication blinks varies with the lens type and focal
length of the lens.
A fast shutter
speed can freeze
a fast action
scene without any
A slow shutter
speed will blur a
fast action scene.
This blurring will
give the
impression of
dynamic motion.
Slower shutter speed
Faster shutter speed
Shutter speed
Aperture value
AF confirmation
Exposure mode
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