Olympus C-765 Digital Camera User Manual

White balance
Adjusting the image quality and exposure
Preset white balance
Select a preset white balance setting according to the type of light. Press
ac to select one of the following settings, then press e.
Press e again to exit the menu.
5: For shooting on a sunny day.
3: For shooting on a cloudy day.
1: For shooting under a tungsten light.
w: For shooting under a daylight
fluorescent lamp. This type of lamp is
used mainly in homes.
x: For shooting under a neutral white fluorescent lamp.
This type of lamp is generally used in desk lamps, etc.
For shooting under a cool white fluorescent lamp.
This type of lamp is generally used in offices, etc.
You can also preview different color tones by trying the different
PRESET WB settings under the actual light source and checking the
result on the monitor.
One-touch white balance
This function is useful when you need a more precise white balance than
PRESET WB can provide. To set the optimum white balance for the shooting
conditions, point the camera at a white object under the light source you want
to use and adjust the white balance.
1 Display V screen and point the
camera at a sheet of white paper.
Position the paper so that it fills the screen,
making sure there are no shadows.