Pictures will be saved to a card _ if one is inserted, or to the built-in memory [_ if not.
l:_!i; When in operation
_ are Illuminated red.
Card Built-in memory
_ Built-in memory
This means that an operation is in progress, such as the
recording, reading, or deleting of pictures. Do not turn off the
power or remove the battery, card, or AC adaptor (DMW-
AC5PP, sold separately) (this may cause damage to or toss
of data).
@Pictures may be copied between cards and the built-in memory (P.73).
@It is recommended that you copy important pictures to your computer (as
electromagnetic waves, static electricity, or faults may cause data to be damaged).
@Always format (R73) cards in this camera before first use.
@If the switch on the card is set to 'LOCK _,operations such
as formatting, copying, and deleting cannot be performed.
@Compatible memory cards , (R 15)
Recording picture/time capacity _(P.92)
Switch (LOCK)
reBuilt-in memory (approx. 12.7 MB)
@Used as a temporary save destination when you have no card.
@May take longer to access than cards.
@Clipboard pictures (P.58) are saved to built-in memory.
ImRecording picture capacity estimates (default settings)
Built-in memory memory card (Example)
Save destination
12.7MB 256 MB 512 MB 1 GB 2 GB
Pictures (DMC-TZ3) 2 68 135 270 550
Pictures (DMC-TZ2) 3 81 160 320 660
The number of pictures that may be recorded varies greatly according to aspect settings
(P.51), picture size (P.52), and quality (P.53) settings, in addition to the capacity of the
card. (For more details: P.92)
6 VQT1B61
Subjects can be enlarged by ten times with 'Optical zoom' and up to 15 (13.8") times with
'Extended optical zoom'. 'Digital zoom' can then be used to multiply this effect by four
times further. (28-280 mm: 35 mm film camera equivalent)
Enlarge (Tele) Restore (Wide)
Turnto T side Turnto Wside
mZoom types
Type Optical zoom
Picturequality Noloss
Conditions None
Screen display
Extendedopticalzoom(EZ) Digital zoom
15x *_, 13.8x _2, 13x* 40x (including optical zoom: 10x)
126x *_, 12x, 11.6x .2 60x (including extendedoptical zoom: 15x)
No loss Deteriorates by factor of enlargement
Select picture size 'D. ZOOM' (P.56) set to 'ON' in REC
(P52) marked with [] menu
Displays digital zoom area
[] displayed
Within digital zoom area AF area
becomes larger when pressing
shutter button halfway
DMC-TZ3 only, ,2 DMC-TZ2 only (Zoom ratio depends on ASPECT RATIO and PICT.SIZE.)
ImWhat is Extended optical zoom (EZ)?
If, for example, set to '3M EZ' (equivalent to 3 million pixels), a picture will only be taken
of a 3M-sized central part of a 7M (equivalent to 7.2 million pixels) ,3area, meaning that
the picture can be enlarged further. ,3 DMC-TZ2: 6M
ImEntering digital zoom area
Once the bar stops before the digital zoom area,
continue to hold the zoom lever, or release it once Bar stops momentarily
then push it again.
ImITorecall zoom ratio from time power was turned off _ 'ZOOM RESUME' (R20)
@The enlargement ratio displayed in the bar on screen is an estimate.
@Adjust the focus after adjusting the zoom.
@Do not block the lens barrel (R12) movement while zooming.
@Zoom cannot be adjusted during motion picture recording.
@A greater degree of distortion may be generated by taking wider-angled pictures of
close objects, while using more telescopic zoom may result in more coloring appearing
around the outlines of objects.
@The camera may make a rattling noise and vibrate when the zoom lever is operated - this
is not a fault.
@When using extended optical zoom, zoom movement may stop momentarily near
maximum W (lx), but this is not a fault.
@The Optical image stabilizer may be less effective when using digital zoom. it is
recommended that you use a tripod and the self-timer (R35).