Using the Microsoft Windows or PowerMac/PowerPC
software provided with the camera, you can display a
viewfinder image on your computer screen, choose resolution
and other options, enhance color balance, brightness,
contrast and sharpness, then transfer the picture to your
image-processing application or a disk drive.
The camera has a SCSI-2 connection requiring no frame-
grabber or other special hardware or software. (For use with
IBM PCs or PC-compatible computers, the camera requires a
SCSI adapter board.)
Using a standard .63, 1:1, or larger c-mount adapter, the
camera attaches easily to microscopes for most types of
transmitted-light and reflected-light microscopy.
The camera also features a tripod mount and x-sync
connection for use with standard c-mount lenses on a
For more detailed camera specifications, see page 41.