Other Information
Chapter 7 119
Accessories Order Form
Description Part No. Price Qty. Total
Super Lightweight Tripod AC088 $ 49.95
Soft Camcorder Case AC201A $ 34.95
Shoulder Strap ACS091 $ 12.95
Rechargeable Battery (2 hour) 244265 $ 59.99
(for CC6384)
Rechargeable Battery (1 hour) 244427 $ 49.95
(for CC6394)
A/V Cable VH83 $ 5.95
Extended Life Battery BB99L $ 69.99
All prices subject to change without notice.
Total Merchandise $_________
Sales Tax $_________
We are required by law to collect the
appropriate sales tax for each individual
state, county, and locality to which the
merchandise is being sent.
Shipping and Handling $_________
Total Amount Enclosed
Use VISA, MasterCard, or Discover.
Money order or check must be in U.S.
currency only. No COD or cash.
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