You can set the maximum size of the DNS cache in the Admin Console in the Maximum Cache
Size eld on the conguration's Performance tab ⇒ DNS sub tab, under DNS Cache Settings.
To set it using the command-line-interface, use wadm set-dns-cache-prop and set the
max-entries property. The default cache size is 1024. The value range is 2-32768.
Hit Ratio (Cache Hits / Cache Lookups)
The hit ratio in perfdump displays the number of cache hits compared to the number of cache
lookups. You can compute this number using the statistics in the Admin Console by dividing
the Total Cache Hits by the sum of the Total Cache Hits and the Total Cache Misses.
This setting is not tunable.
Async DNS Enabled/Disabled
Async DNS enabled/disabled displays whether the server uses its own asynchronous DNS
resolver instead of the operating system's synchronous resolver. By default, Async DNS is
disabled. If it is disabled, this section does not appear in perfdump. To enable it using the Admin
Console, on the conguration's Performance tab ⇒ DNS tab, under DNS Lookup Settings,
select Asynchronous DNS. To enable it using the command-line interface, use wadm
set-dns-prop and set the async property to true.
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Information
JVM statistics are displayed through the Admin Console, the CLI, and stats-xml only. They
are not shown in perfdump.
The following table shows an example of the JVM statistics displayed in the Admin Console:
TABLE 2–7 JavaVirtual Machine(JVM) Statistics
Virtual MachineName JavaHotSpot
Server VM
Virtual MachineVendor Sun Microsystems Inc.
Virtual MachineVersion 1.5.0_06-b05
HeapMemory Size 5884856
Elapsed Garbage Collection Time (milliseconds) 51
Present Number ofClasses Loaded 1795
Total Number of ClassesLoaded 1795
UsingMonitoringDatatoTuneYour Server
SunJavaSystemWebServer7.0Update1 PerformanceTuning,Sizing,and ScalingGuide •70