On the Monitoring Statistics page, clickVirtual Server Statistics.
Click the virtual server name.
On theVirtual Server Monitoring Statistics page, clickWeb Applications.
Select the web application for whichto view statistics from theWeb Application pull-down
Web Application Statistics
The following table shows an example of the Web Application statistics displayed in the Admin
TABLE2–8 WebApplicationStatistics
Number of JSPs Loaded 1
Number of JSPs Reloaded 1
Total Number of SessionsServiced 2
Number of Sessions Active 2
Peak Number of Active Sessions 2
Number of Sessions Rejected 0
Number of Sessions Expired 0
AverageTime (seconds) that expired sessions had
been alive
Longest Time (seconds) forwhich an expired session
was alive
For more information on tuning, see “Tuning Java Web Application Performance” on page 78.
Also see Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Developer’s Guide to Java Web Applications.
JDBC Resource Information
A JDBC resource is a named group of JDBC connections to a database. A JDBC resource denes
the properties used to create a connection pool. Each JDBC resource uses a JDBC driver to
establish a connection to a physical database when the server is started. A pool of connections is
created when the rst request for connection is made on the pool after you start Web Server.
A JDBC-based application or resource draws a connection from the pool, uses it, and when no
longer needed, returns it to the connection pool by closing the connection. If two or more JDBC
resources point to the same pool denition, they use the same pool of connections at run time.
UsingMonitoringDatatoTuneYour Server
SunJavaSystemWebServer7.0Update1 PerformanceTuning,Sizing,and ScalingGuide •72