Getting Ready
Playing Back/Deleting
Photographed Images
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Other Useful
Taking Photographs
Details about the flash mode
The flash function has the following 4 options:
[ ] Auto
The flash fires automatically according to the photographic situation.
[ ] Forced flash
The flash always fires. Select this option when the subject is backlit, or in artificial
light (fluorescent lighting, etc.).
[ ] Suppressed flash
The flash does not fire. Select this option when taking photographs in sufficient
indoor lighting or at distances too great for the flash to have any effect (theater
performances, indoor sporting events, etc.).
[ ] Red-Eye Reduction
When photographed in dark places with a flash, peoples’ eyes in photographs are
sometimes red. This “red-eye” effect is caused by the light of the flash reflecting the
eyes. With this option selected, the flash fires before and when photographs are
taken, so that the red-eye effect is reduced. To reduce the effect, you may also ask
the subject to look directly towards the camera or you may photograph from as close
as possible.
• When taking photographs indoors or in dark places, you may experience slower shutter
speed and see [
(unsteady hold warning)] icon on the LCD monitor. We recommend
you place the camera on a stable surface in order to avoid unsteady camera hold.
• When taking photographs of night view or other dark scenes, [
(long time exposure)]
icon may appear on the LCD monitor together with [
] icon. This designates that it takes
twice longer than usual at least because of a special processing in progress. Because the
shutter speed will become slower than usual, place the camera on a stable surface to take
• The setting still remains after the power is turned off manually or by Auto Power Off.