T: 886-2-22404099
F: 886-2-22404097
Get stored snapshots from Flash memory
snapshot stage
snapshot before event pre
snapshot upon event trg
snapshot after event pos
Move positioning device in PT direction
<direction>: up, left, right, down, home
/cgi-bin/control.cgi?cam=<input source>&move=<direction>
Query status of digital inputs
NetworKam will return status of the digital input in one line.
Drive digital outputs
, where state is H, L. H means NC connected with COMMON and L means NO connected with
For example,
will command NetworKam, with IP address of, to set digital output to connect NC with COMMON.
Clear data mode serial port driver
This URL applies to the attached serial port device including supported PTZ cameras or non-supported
custom cameras. Note the serial port settings of custom cameras must be correctly defined in advance.
Send command to device attached to COM
This hyperlink will inform NetworKam to send out binary format commands to the COM with “0x12,
0x34, 0x56” followed by “0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF”. Each comma separates the commands by 200
milliseconds. “flush=yes” means the receive data buffer of COM port must be cleared before read. Then