Cisco Video Surveillance 4300E and 4500E High-Definition IP Camera User Guide
Chapter 3 Configuring and Managing the IP Camera
Feature Setup Windows
Event Scheduling Area
Scheduling Grid Designate the times at which an event causes the IP camera to take the
designed actions. If an event occurs during a time that is not designated, the
IP camera does not take any action.
Each cell in this grid represents one hour on the corresponding day, starting
at 12:00 a.m. (0:00). To designate times, click the desired cells. Selected
cells appear shaded.
To select all times, click the Set All button.
To deselect all times, click the Clear All button.
To change the scheduling settings to the last saved configuration, click
Set All button Selects all cells in the scheduling grid.
Clear All button Deselects all cells in the scheduling grid.
Undo All button Deselects cells in the scheduling grid that you selected since last saving
Event Notification window settings.
HTTP Notification Area
Primary HTTP Server Identify the primary server to which HTTP messages are sent by choosing
IP Address or Hostname from the drop-down list and entering the IP
address or host name in the corresponding field.
URL Base Enter a string to be used as the prefix in the HTTP URL. The HTTP URL is
sent in this format:
http://<IP address>/<URL Base>?<system-provided-name-value-pairs>
where IP address is the IP address of the destination server, URL Base is the
string that you enter, and system-provided-name-value-pairs is information
about the event.
Port Number Enter the port number that receives messages on the primary server to which
HTTP messages are sent.
User Name If authentication is required on the primary server to which HTTP messages
are sent, enter the user name.
Password If authentication is required on the primary server to which HTTP messages
are sent, enter the password.
HTTP Authentication If authentication is required on the primary server to which HTTP messages
are sent, choose the authentication method from the drop-down list.
Secondary HTTP Server Identify an optional secondary server to which HTTP messages are sent by
choosing IP Address or Hostname from the drop-down list and entering the
IP address or host name in the corresponding field.
Table 3-7 Event Notification Window Options (continued)
Option Description